Your child’s health and safety are of utmost importance to the team at Creative Garden. We are regularly reviewing our Health & Safety Practices and encourage parents to actively participate in these reviews.


We ask that any child who is unwell be kept home so illness does not spread throughout the centre. Any children with severe coughs or cold, any symptoms including vomiting, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, rashes, COVID-19 symptoms, a raised temperature, or who are generally unwell and unable to participate in the centre programme cannot be brought into the centre.

If a child has had vomiting or diarrhoea, they must remain at home for 48 hours after the last episode. If your child becomes ill while attending the centre and we believe it is necessary, you will be contacted to collect your child.

If we’re unable to contact a parent/guardian, an emergency contact will be asked to collect the child. Teachers will complete a ‘report of illness form’ which will be handed to the parent/guardian or emergency contact person upon picking up the child.


Please advise the teachers in the centre if your child is taking any medication and fill in the medication chart that is kept in your child’s room within the centre. The medication chart must be filled out before we can administer any medication. We recommend all parents read our medication policy to ensure full-understanding of when we can administer such medications.

Only medication that has a label stating the child’s name and expiry date will be administered. If a child is on antibiotics, please ensure the medication has time to work and allows the child to get a good amount of rest before returning to the centre. It’s recommended you consult with your doctor/GP for additional advice.

The centre keeps a first aid kit, which includes some non-prescription and homeopathic medications for emergencies. Please advise our centre’s management team if you would prefer these were not given to your child.

Papakura Childcare centre

infectious diseases

We ask parents to please advise the centre if your child has contracted a notifiable or infectious disease so that other parents can be advised. The child should be kept away from Creative Garden for the required length of time as per the infectious diseases chart which can be found in our policy manual and a medical certificate must be presented upon returning.


We are required to keep an up-to-date list of all children at Creative Garden and their immunisation status. Please remember to bring a record of immunisations with you when you enrol and let us know any updates as they occur.

If your child is not immunised a letter confirming this needs to be attached to your enrolment form. In the case of an outbreak of a disease, your child will be asked to stay away from Creative Garden for the duration of the outbreak.


Centre policies on safety precautions are continually reinforced by the teachers and children. These tasks include maintaining a centre hazards checklist, checking the safety of all outdoor equipment, the safe storage of hazardous equipment, and developing an awareness of personal safety with children.

There is always someone trained in First Aid on site and their certificates are renewed every 2 years to ensure they are fully trained and capable in performing any first aid procedures necessary.

emergency & evacuation procedures

In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, staff and children will be well practiced on the correct procedures, ensuring the wellbeing of everyone on site. Every effort will be made to contact parents/ guardians to collect their child if necessary.

Evacuation procedures are practiced throughout the year and a record is maintained at the centre. If you are present during a fire drill, we encourage you to participate. Emergency evacuation procedures are displayed in the centre. When evacuation procedures take place, every effort will be made to make the experience enjoyable rather than a stressful event for the children.

Otahuhu Early Learning Centre
Childcare centre in Otahuhu

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